Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"pressing" issue

ok, i have always been the person that must iron her clothes. always. i have had people comment on this and must admit i pride myself on it . doesn't matter how busy the morning is or how casual the shirt, it must be ironed. now, i can also say i have never ironed any of rob's clothes, this need for crispness is only on the clothes i wear...ok and some of the girls' stuff too. now with all that said, yesterday i had a "wth" moment in regards to my needs being met.

on the spur of the moment i sent rob an email to see if he wanted to meet me at a local restaurant for dinner with the girls. he agreed it was a good idea and we aimed to meet at 5:30, plenty of time for me to grab deirann and get to the restaurant on time. as i wound up the day and started to tidy my desk, i happened to glance down at what i was wearing....oh god, i have become a makeover show's dream.

every morning i get up and have a shower-it is my coffee, i must have one everyday. i then throw on some sweats and head downstairs to start the day. wait, rewind....throw on some sweats??? what??? you can't iron sweats....when did this happen?

as i reflect on the last few months i realize that my favourite small appliance has been rarely used. to further emphasis my point, the ironing board, which used to be a more important piece of furniture then the tv, is in the linen closet....with dust on it. oh god.

i am lucky enough to work with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law in their home doing admin work etc for their business. i used to tease my sister-in-law about the stretchy pants she would wear to "the office" everyday and although a little envious, i couldn't imagine wearing comfy clothes day in and day out. i would certainly miss my pants and skirts and collared shirts right?

ok sis, i see your stretch pants and raise you an old sweatshirt with stains that even gil grissom and his posse wouldn't be able to identify!

so back to yesterday. now, the normal person would think, "hmm ....perhaps i have time to go home and change before meeting the love of my life, you know, put something a little more dressy on, like...jeans(!)" but i am not normal, no i am a problem solver with limited time. so i think , "hmmm....perhaps sis-in-law has a pair of black stretchy pants i can borrow, yeah that will do the job!" now lets assess the situation, i am wearing a white tshirt (for those of you who know me, you are not surprised), blue socks, blue sweat pants and a blue zipped hoodie, my footwear is what i have lived in for 6 months, my merrells. note that i am all in blue, that is what "putting an outfit together" these days means for me. so off i go to see what sis has to offer. my choice is a bright coral nike zipped hoodie "to redirect the eyes " or some capris...it is winter here in southern ontario. hmmm...things aren't looking good. Luckily, in the back of the closet is an off white sweater that may helped things out. looking at it i am surprised how long it is "it is from when i would wear leggings"....get the idea? so on it goes. did i mention i am 5'11 and my sis-in-law is about 5'4??? "well,if i simply push the sleeves up it will work"- again a problem solver at work.

so taking a quick look in the mirror i think "hey not too bad"...wait a sec...have i been walking around with my hair like this all day?

now, i am quite lucky to have pretty healthy, brown hair that occasionally sprouts a grey hair once in a while to remind me that i am approaching 40. it is wavy, manageable, you know, simple. i do make an effort to dry it but with a 15 month running around during my three minute"beauty routine" in the morning, i usually only get the front done, the part i see. i figure, hey who looks at the back of my head anyways? oy, i should-what a mess. however as the day goes on i usually end up putting it up with an elastic in a messy bun/cat toy sorta thing. i am not sure what look i am going for but it is certainly not the one that greets me in the mirror.
what happened to me...where did my need for crisp cotton shirts and cuffed pants go? when did everything get replaced with sweats? aren't sweats meant for working out...in a gym...but isn't it funny that most people who wear sweats are the people who have never set foot in a gym....myself included. the people i know that got to the gym wear tight fitting, lycra outfits from lulu fruitbowl not the old cotton ginny ones i possess. ok back on track.

i don't know how to describe my style. i guess classic/preppy (i LOVE white shirts-any style- chinos, cardigans) and usually shop for LL Bean, Bass, Columbia, Ann Taylor...that sorta style. however, sitting here i can't think of the last time i bought a piece of clothing for myself...or had to handwash something. i am a very low maintenance girl who lives for burts bees lip shimmer and a redsox cap, but how much "lower" can my maintenance go? i mean, can i wear my pjs to work? is that acceptable?

i think i need an intervention.

so next time we bump into each other, please do not give me the once over look...there is nothing you can think that i haven't already, just be happy that i made it out with clothes on. and if you know someone in need, i know where you can get a great iron and board for a good price...or maybe we can just swap for some stretchy pants?

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About Me

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Burlington, Canada
Description huh? Hmm...where to begin, what do I start with....? Ok, the basics...37 years old, married to my one love, have two incredible girls, a teacher by trade although unable to work fulltime in that field so I sub here and there and help my sister-in-law with her business. Recently returned back to the GTA after living in Bermuda for 10 years. Being close to family is great but I do miss the seaside. Interests....? I love making things, biking, music, playing outside...however I find time is what I am short of these days. Interests I wish I had...cooking incredible meals using more than 4 ingredients, exercise(apparently all that crap about burning calories while vacuuming and folding laundry doesn't count if you eat food!!)reading (grown up) books (I manage about 4 pages of my own novel a night thus my library overdue charges are quite large!). Things I like about me...my need for things to be in the right place, Things I am not so keen on about me....my need for things to be in the right place, my dislike for the telephone, my slight tendency to be a control nut...freak is sooooo overused.